Terms and Conditions
All contents of the ChakraConsciousness website and/or any download videos created by Marvin Knight are intended to assist people in attaining their highest potential.
Marvin Knight is an ordained minister, intuitive, healer, teacher, author and his services and methods are not licensed by any state. Any services, download videos, information, examples or testimonials presented do not warranty, guarantee, or predict any outcome of an individual who watches this or any videos he creates. Individual results and experiences may vary.
The end result of your spiritual growth is your responsibility and your responsibility alone. Marvin Knight cannot warranty, guarantee, or predict any outcome created from his services and/or the download video’s. These services and download video’s are merely tools to assist you on your path.
You understand that your participation in his services and download videos are strictly voluntary, at your own risk, and that you freely choose to participate. You agree to forever fully release, indemnify, and hold harmless, Marvin Knight and his heirs, partners, employees, assistants, websites and others associated with him from any and all claims or liability, directly or indirectly, whatsoever and for any damage or injury. This includes but is not limited to: personal, physical, emotional, psychological and/or otherwise, which you might incur as a result of his services and/or download videos.
Furthermore, you agree and understand that this disclaimer is intended to be a complete unconditional release of liability and the assumption of risk is to the greatest extent permitted by law.